The Notebook (Issue 13)
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The week of September 6th, 2021

HEALTH CONTINUES TO BE TOP OF MIND as the COVID-19 pandemic continues to ravage communities in Kentucky and across the globe. Daily we are reminded of the interconnectedness of our many forms of health – physical, nutritional, economic, environmental, psychological, intellectual, spiritual, and cultural – as we work as a community to address access to childcare, educational realities in our schools, safe and affordable housing, and public safety, all while continuing to work to combat the pervasive effects of racism on each of these systems. 


It is going to take each of us, working daily, to create solutions both at home and out in our communities. Below is an article from Business First that highlights the significance of "town and gown" relationships between the University of Louisville and the City of Louisville. Town and Gown models are critical to leveraging all our resources as a city and maximizing the impact of our educational institutions. We must continue to partner in new kinds of ways to face our growing challenges. 


There are still many opportunities to collaborate as a community on the critically important A Path Forward Plan. Recently, the Greater Louisville Project held a session with the Louisville Urban League on A Path Forward: One Year Later. View the recorded session here


As always, we must take care of our personal health as we work on these grand challenges and find ways to create space for rest in our own lives. COVID-19 booster shots are also now available for many – it is a good time to check your eligibility and appropriate timeline for your booster shot as we continue to care for our individual health and promote public health for all.”
CONGRATULATIONS TO Dr. Aruni Bhatnagar, Matt Yarger, Mason Rummel, Sadiqa Reynolds, Tammy York Day and Daymond Talley who were recently featured in Executive Insights 2021: Town & Gown to discuss how Louisville's relationship with the Universtiy of Louisville has helped our community launch the Co-Immunity Project to track and fight the COVID-19 pandemic. Dr. Bhatnagar explains the importance of community engagement through the lens of Health, "For environmental research we have chosen is to be out there in the community rather than being sequestered in our labs. We want to work with people and their everyday problems, what relates to their lives, whether it be things like air pollution, diabetes and obesity education, or the new pandemic of COVID-19. A university should, in my belief, be a backbone of a community. That's been the history of what a university is."

DID YOU SEE THIS UPDATE on Kentucky's Precedent-Setting Net Metering Case? Many advocacy groups have been working busily away this summer pushing for affordable utility rates and net metering rates to promote renewable energy. Read Kentucky Resource Council's update and see a recent video on this advocacy directly here!

CHECK OUT THE RECENT RELEASE OF the University of Louisville Superfund Research Center's short film, where they examine the effects of air toxins and their impacts on cardiovascular health outcomes and the other medical complications stemming from superfund site pollutants in our community.
MAINE... FIRST-IN-THE-NATION recycling bill signed into law to shift municipal recycling and waste disposal costs from local taxpayers to package manufacturers. The bill levies fees on manufacturers based on the weight of packaging material sold. The revenue will then be used to support municipal recycling. The bill also creates an incentive for companies to reduce wasteful packaging. Click here for more information on the bill that was signed into law on July 12, 2021.
STUDENTS FROM LOUISVILLE URBAN LEAGUE became citizen scientists for a day in partnership with Green Heart Louisville and the Center for Healthy Air Water and Soil. These students conducted a BioBlitz at Norton Sports and Learning Complex, discovering 13 species of birds and insects! The BioBlitz was a follow-up assessment of biodiversity around the site, and students saw about twice as many species in 2021 compared to 2019. 
FOR MORE INFO on Great Podversations and The Power of Giving Away Power, click here
KENTUCKY'S VACCINE DISTRIBUTION is now open to everyone above age 12. Here is a listing of the various providers and locations for vaccine availability. We have found this tool, Vaccine Spotter, helpful for consolidating providers and showing availability. 

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